A remote control airplane model club located west of Pittsburgh PA and chartered club of the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) since 1956. Our premier flying field the K. Leroy Irvis Radio Control Model Airport is located in the Hillman State Park, near Burgettstown PA 15021. We operate and maintain this flight field which offers 2 paved runways, covered pavilion and port-a-john. We are a diverse group of Radio Control Enthusiast. With interests in all things that fly including very small electric models that weigh a few ounces, turbine powered jets, gliders, scale models, sport models, glow, gas, electric. Some of us design, and build our own planes, while others just enjoy the flying aspect of the hobby. We just a group of plane people with a special air about them.
Join us and come on out and watch us fly.
Eatn`Park 100 Park Manor Dr Robinson Twp
**beverages provided.
Eatn`Park 100 Park Manor Dr Robinson Twp
**beverages provided.
Eatn`Park 100 Park Manor Dr Robinson Twp
**beverages and dessert provided.